2021 General Election ACT (Against Corruption Today) Education Campaign


Public sentiment leading up to the election season has indicated a desire for more accountability, transparency, better governance and desires to denounce any form of corruption in the Cayman Islands as a whole.   On 14 December 2020, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland extended the United Nations Convention Against Corruption to the Cayman Islands.  The Convention highlights that whilst corruption can be prosecuted after the fact, the most fundamental approach is one that requires prevention, and enhanced transparency which the Commission has found to be very applicable to the current election season where the financing of election campaigns and political parties are at the forefront and concerns of corruption abound.

The Anti-Corruption Commission and the Elections Office have aligned to launch an anti-corruption education campaign, under the tagline of ACT which stands for Against Corruption Today to promote the participation of the Cayman community to reflect on integrity, transparency and accountability as it relates to the country’s public affairs.

ACT Pledge

Corruption has no place in our society, let alone during elections.  During this 2021 Election period we encourage all voters, candidates, and supporters to take the ACT pledge put a stop to the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. Take the ACT Pledge and take a stand Against, Corruption, Today.  The pledge is available  below,  all are encouraged to download, print and take a selfie of themselves with the pledge and post on social media in support of this initiative with the hashtag #ACTCayman2021.  Alternatively, pictures can be sent to the Elections Office at office@elections.ky or Anti-Corruption Commission at info@anticorruptioncommission.ky  and we’ll upload it to the Elections Office Facebook page!




Voter Influence

Have you been offered new appliances, cash, home repairs, or groceries in exchange for your vote?  If so, you are a victim of voter influence, The Anti-Corruption Commission in connection with the Elections Office encourages you to take a stand and ACT. Against Corruption Today.  As a voter you should not encourage corruption or tolerate the corruption of others. During this election season vote responsibly and with integrity.  It’s time for a change Cayman. Be the change. Below is a flyer which outlines different forms of vote buying you should be aware of.  If you have any information on election corrupton please contact the Elections Office at 1-345-949-8047

Voter Influence Information

Campaign Supporter

Individuals who are not candidates, or a candidate agent should be aware of the specific requirements regarding campaign support that can be offered under the Elections Act.  For complete details see the informational flyer below.

Campaign Supporter Information